Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Writing is one of the ways that we communicate things we truly mean in a way that will truly last. That's not to say all writing fulfills this function; only good writing. A few months ago I was looking at my mom's old iMac. I saw some old documents of papers I'd written.

Of a truth, I've never been a great writer, and the papers I found reminded me that my humble progress in writing skill came from even humbler beginnings. I've always had romantic visions that someday I could make great works of poetry and prose that stir the mind and soul to thought and laughter and communicate great truths in novel ways. The papers I found do none of those things.

One of the papers in particular, however, caught my attention because it reveals so much about my high school self.

1) At the time I was obsessed with nerd culture, and not least among my interests was Warhammer 40,000. This paper describes a game I played with my older brother Matt.

2) People often told me to stop using such "big words", and to be honest I rarely knew which of the words I was using were the "big" ones. They were all just words. After reading this paper I think I now can imagine how terms like perpetual onslaught, barricades and  solidified, when used in casual conversation, may raise some eyebrows. Still, I maintain that those words aren't that out of the ordinary.

3) I never gave my documents logical names. I don't know why I chose the name "Jaterrieck" or what it was supposed to mean, but that's what my document was called. On a side note, I never gave any of my emails logical subject lines. It's a habit I keep to this day.

I think it's a fun read. Matt, you especially should behold its splendor.

Click here to read this most excellent narrative.

ps-I didn't make the image. I stole it. Thief.
pps-The link wasn't working but it should now


  1. I actually was interested in reading your 'most excellent narrative' but it wouldn't open. I enjoyed what I did read however and I'm with you, your vocabulary didn't (and doesn't) seem out of the ordinary to me.

  2. Stephen, that narrative was so funny! Did you write that because of an assignment in school or just for fun? Anyway, I loved reading it.

  3. It reads like an episode of "Big Bang Theory."

    I hear what you're saying about our vocabulary. It must be a family thing because I'm constantly being told to use simpler words when I write notes and research papers. I thought words like that were common knowledge but apparently not. We must just have articulate genes.
